Cathedral Church Of St. James, Episcopal

Cathedral Church Of St. James, Episcopal

South Bend, Indiana
2 manuals, 16 ranks
Pipe Organ Specifications

This 7 rank encased instrument was installed in the chapel of the IU LaPorte Hospital Chapel in 1998. On the closing of that building in 2020, the organ was acquired by St. James Cathedral and moved there by the Kegg company. Here you see the organ as it was nearing completion at St. James Cathedral. In the image below, you can see the organ as it stood in its original home.

The Principal 8' is in facade with the balance of the organ enclosed. The Flugelhorn is the ideal reed stop for this organ, with its light, smooth sound. It blends well for chorus work and provides a lovely solo voice. The principals are round and rich. The strings are very delicate and blend well. The wood Gedeckt has a gentle and precise speech with an appealing, singing tone. The Mixture is based on 2' with one break. It is derived from the Octave and the Quinte.

The organ and hospital chapel were dedicated October 4, 1998 with C.J. Sambach in recital. The organ was a gift from the La Porte Hospital Auxiliary. There are plans for additions to the instrument now that it is at St. James Cathedral.

In 2023 we will be adding independent Great and Pedal divisions to the organ, bringing the rank count from 7 to 16. The new divisions will sit behind the case and are scaled to fill the room with rich, supportive tone. The existing facade Principal will become the Pedal Principal and an independent Subbass 16' will be added. The new Great Trumpet will extend into the Pedal at 16' pitch. The Great will also boast the Kegg-exclusive Solo Diapason III which gives the effect of a First Open Diapason.

All Installations